Thursday’s Travel

I have to get use to posting on my blog. I missed Thursday’s travel day. It’s the biggest travel day for business travelers. Everyone is trying to get home to see their love ones  or just be at home and not in a hotel room.  I am trying to get out of Nashville, TN today. The snow is coming down at a fast rate. I got turned around and headed the wrong direction – away from the airport.  I am anxious I may miss my flight and the way this snow is coming in I maybe stranded here this Thursday evening.

Whew! After traffic and my direction challenges I made it to the airport and boarded the plane without any issues. Oh no, here it goes ground stop for 20 minutes weather in Atlanta – it comes with the territory 20 minutes is nothing. However, this irate passenger doesn’t understand the concept of air travel hurry up and wait!  He dings for the flight attendant and states “Why the pilot allowed us to get on the plane and he knows we weren’t going anywhere – this is expletive ridiculous” Flight attendant agreed and told him he would let the pilot know. For 10 minutes this guy is ranting and raving about waiting on the plane, I want to scream at him “Have you ever expletive been on a commercial flight before – give it rest” But the conservative consultant black chick will never express how she really feels. I just roll my eyes and take my nap. Oh by the way, did I mention no coach service on this plane. Flight is only 40 minutes. I have to wait for 2 hours until I get home to get that glass of wine to write this idiot off!

About theblackconsultantchick

I have been doing ERP consulting for over 7 years. I have worked for top tier consulting firms over the 7 years. I have project managment experience in implementing Oracle PeopleSoft Financials and Supply Chain Managment. I have flown many miles accross the US and have met the most memorable people.
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